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Russians often say: “Поговорим по душам” meaning let’s talk soul to soul. This procedure usually requires a bottle of liquor and a true engagement in

lengthy discussions about life, love, history, politics and philosophy. The souls of the participants are rejoined with the spirits.


Baraonda is a spirit in a perfume bottle. A delicate and costly creation that blends the taste and the smell of a single malt whiskey, lucid dreaming and reality, burning Russian Red, personal actions and reactions. It is a sensory hurricane that surrounds one with a mixture of hot and aromatic notes and the scent of old barrels, leaving with a fruity aftertaste. Being inspired by Venedikt Yerofeyev’s book “Moscow-Petushki”, Baraonda captures the essence of this journey through Moscow Stations. It is an ethyllic poem that has no brakes nor limits, and an ode to all drinkable, alcoholic, and the clouded but joyful aftermaths.


Attention: In this perfume The Nose used pure alcohol and only high-quality natural ingredients to encourage a raw taste sensation. This fragrance may cause effects on thinking skills, like problem-solving, attention and memory. You might get carried away, but the brave ones should have a taste.

Nasomatto- Baraonda

PriceFrom $25.00
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