We had our very first virtual meeting with GALLIVANT founder Nick Steward. For more than an hour, Nick presented his perfumes, told the story and inspiration behind each fragrance - the idea and creation of every scent. The participants received their GALLIVANT box with nine perfumes and had a chance to try each fragrance, share their thoughts and ask questions. True to its name GALLIVANT strives to help people to use the power of perfume and take the pulse of places we love. Each perfume is named after a city - from Brooklyn to LA, Berlin to Tokyo. After traveling the world Nick created the perfumes based on his impressions and emotions he experienced in each city. During the virtual meeting the participants “traveled” nine cities and discovered them with Nick and his perfumes.
Brooklyn and Berlin Brooklyn was the place where Nick felt fully optimistic and happy. He said, “Brooklyn was expected to smell like petrol, but for me, it is blossom, cocktail, fresh, and fun.” This is what he tried to express through the scent. He visited Berlin right after the fall of the wall and “the idea was to show those two Berlins and the duality”.
Tel Aviv and Los Angeles The next stop was Tel Aviv, and the inspiration behind this perfume was the architecture of the city, its whiteness full of jasmine and white floral. From Tel Aviv, we moved to Los Angeles. This award-winning perfume launched in 2019 was inspired by a lively and vibrant city and the sunset of California.
London and Bukhara "London is also associated with cucumber sandwiches, and while it is a cliché, I wanted to play with it”, said Nick. Bukhara in Uzbekistan was rather an unexpected stop. Nick said that he was so impressed by his trip to Bukhara, especially by the delicious Uzbek plov, that he decided to create a perfume to tell that story.
Istanbul, Amsterdam, and Tokyo The last three stops were Istanbul, a crowded yet lively city, Amsterdam and Tokyo. Amsterdam perfume tells the story of a cozy city with its cute outdoors and tulips. Despite its modernness and metropolitan lifestyle, Nick was impressed by Tokyo’s small, wooden historical houses.